Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Peace On Earth
It's not that life will be devoid of suffering and hardship. It's that there is one who gives us peace beyond all human reason to navigate the trouble.
Jesus is our peace. May the peace of God fill your hearts and minds this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas to all.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Spit It Out!
I think about this around the holidays when we traditionally feast and have to smile and think..."no truer words!" Man made confections are delicious but simply have no nutritional value. When I think even more on this, I find great spiritual application.
Our world, media, music, culture, etc., are filled with "confections," wouldn't you agree? It's hard to argue against that which feels, tastes, looks and smells so good! How could it be bad for us? Furthermore, wouldn't a loving God want us to be fulfilled and happy, surrounded by that which makes us all feel so good? Or is there another reality?
I now believe God and serving Him will never be about personal happiness and satisfying "life's sweet tooth." I don't mean it's all doom and gloom! I mean serving God is not defined by how we indulge ourselves in American culture. Cars, houses, jobs, clothes, entertainment and the like are not the "fiber" of life. I think you all know what I am saying.
Just because something tastes good in this life doesn't mean it's good for us nor is it an entitlement. I leave you with the words of Oswald Chambers:
"Nowadays we have far too many affinities, we are dissipated with them; right, good, noble affinities which will yet have their fulfillment, but in the meantime God has to atrophy them."
pass the broccoli,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Simply put, this year I am grateful to God for everyday. Each day is a gift and proof that we are in the heart and mind of God. Live it!
There's a line from a song that my good friend, James Casto wrote speaking of being grateful for the "love of my wife." I am so thankful for, Lori. She is my companion and dearest friend.
I recorded that song of James' a few years back, here it is for your enjoyment:
GRATEFUL (click)
Monday, November 16, 2009
A Message
You can find part 1 and 2 there. Hope it helps you on your journey. My thanks to Pierre du Plessis for the invite. I was blessed to be there.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Shoes and Food - That's Enough
Tonight. All is well. I have shoes and have had a meal. In a culture filled with excess, I can often feel like I don't have enough. Truth be told, I am wealthy beyond the wildest imaginations of most people in the world. I have no excuse. I must be generous! I am rich and generosity is a command!
My riches are in the simplicity of being myself before my Heavenly Father. My contentment is in this truth alone. No material possession will bring me contentment. Only knowing my Creator.
I have had a great day today. Celebrating my wife, Lori's birthday. A special one indeed as she recovers from surgery and wins the fight of her life. I also enjoyed speaking at The Father's House today. A great church with a generous spirit. Thank you to Pierre for inviting me and treating me like a true brother.
that's enough,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Small Stuff
Ever heard this, "Don't sweat the small stuff?" Last night I returned home after sitting in a waiting room all day long as Lori, my wife, was enduring nearly 8 hours of surgery to save her life. She did well, has a long road ahead but the sun is rising this morning...check it out! I snapped this shot with the Mac just seconds ago. God is good.
I cannot tell you how the events of this summer have put some things into perspective. I am embarrassed to think of what I have, at times, allowed to upset me in this life. If I could recapture every minute of wasted mental energy spent on things that were only annoyances at best...sigh.
I wish to move forward today with a new outlook. One of more patience, tolerance for my fellow human, and gratitude for each day. I know it will be a challenge but this is a lesson, I promise I will not forget. God has given today, this day, as a gift to us all. Let's not spoil it because someone or something inconvenienced us in some ridiculously small way that sends us off into a tirade of self pity. It's all really small stuff.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Steps of Faith
"This situation is nothing but a bump in the ground and another step of faith in life that you WILL GET THROUGH!!!!!!" ~Jonathan David Allison
The above quote is taken directly from our 10 year old son's email to, Lori. He was encouraging her in the midst of a great trial. I love the clear and compelling truth in it. Unwavering and sure faith.
I have been thinking of Peter's trek on the water and I think for the first time I really understand the whole sinking thing. All it takes to prevent us from sinking is "another step of faith." Just a step. Jonathan get's it!
As I am learning to navigate perilous times, I begin to sink when I "look down" and focus on the reality that I can't "walk on water." Of course you can't! That makes perfect sense, right? So why am I still afloat? Simply....Jesus! It's that "step of faith." Just a step.
It's not denial of the facts. But if like Peter, I look down at "reality", I sink. So I keep my eyes on Jesus and the impossible becomes possible! The crushing weight of trial and suffering is lifted and I walk on another step. The insurmountable mountain becomes a "bump in the ground."
Thanks to Jonathan for that reminder! And yes, we "WILL GET THROUGH!!!!!!"
Monday, October 19, 2009
On a cloudy day, the pessimist gets up and heads out the door without sunglasses. The optimist grabs the shades thinking, "the sun will surely shine today at some point." Guess who I can be?
Recently, I headed out of the house on a rainy morning. As I was leaving, it occurred to me that maybe I should take my sunglasses. I quickly dismissed the thought sure that I wouldn't need them on such a dreary day.
As I drove, the image you see here emerged from the sky (I snapped a picture with the cell phone). And me without my sunglasses! The glorious sun stayed out the rest of the day. Yet another lesson in optimism. I am learning!
5 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
soon I'll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He's my God. (Psalm 43:5, The Message)
When the day is at it's darkest, the Son is shinning. Always.
grab your shades,
Monday, October 12, 2009
Life’s A Maze!
I read this definition of a maze: an area of interconnected weaving paths that it is difficult to find a way through.
I spent nearly an hour and a half with our son, Jonathan in a corn maze yesterday. Actually it’s called the AMAZING MAIZE MAZE! And pictured above. I can tell you it was incredibly difficult to find the path out. Once you’ve seen one cornstalk…you’ve seen ‘em all! After awhile, they serve no purpose in assisting you on your journey. Trust me!
The only way you could find the end was by locating various mailboxes throughout the maze. Each mailbox had a piece of a map that was needed to help you navigate. With each piece came some sense of location and clarity. Without these markers, it was pretty much just a guessing game.
It was crazy as people passed one another in different stages of “lostness.” Everyone had the same agenda…to get out! It was chaos and a lot of fun. Well, until it got cold, and the sense of walking in circles became increasingly frustrating. You could keep playing the game or simply call out for help and a worker (high above the maze on a platform) would give you directions home.
Yes…after nearly an hour and a half, Jonathan and me were ready for some intervention. I looked up to the worker in the sky and in earnest I shouted up, “We are ready to get out of here now.” With a few quick directives, we were on our way. It still took some time but now we had a sense of direction and purpose. Our attitude changed quickly for the better. We found the end of that maze soon thereafter and it was glorious! Tired and frozen but happy!
Life’s a maze. It has a beginning and end. Along the way, much can happen to disorient us. We look for clues to make sense of it all. If you are like me, you have or will discover that you simply must call out to the one who has a perspective beyond our own, one who sees things from above.
I am asking the Father for perspective these days. I know He sees the beginning from the end. I truly believe when we call upon Him in our trouble, He’ll lead us all the way home!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
But God.
I know there is great importance placed on credentials and qualifications in our society. Preparation, study, testing, practice, and experience all go into qualifying us for specific tasks in our world. We rarely get jobs, if ever, that we lack the background and necessary pedigree required to perform the tasks of the position.
But God. I believe He always asks us to serve in areas we just don't have the goods for. Like Moses. "Hey Moses, I want you to be my spokesperson." says God. Moses', response, "I am lousy at public speaking." "No, worries, I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." replies God.
God is leading me on a journey that I am not capable of undertaking on my own. I am weak and feeble in many respects. I lack the talent and eloquence. Like Moses, I want to protest and advise God that I am not His man for the job. But like with Moses, God's not accepting "no" for an answer.
I personally believe God delights in leading us in over our heads. To places where we look around and say, "What in the world am I doing here?" He loves to confound the wisdom of the day by working through the unlikeliest of candidates. I hope you aren't misinterpreting me. I do believe God honors hard work and preparation. It's just I believe to accomplish things for God is a superhuman matter. We just will never get it done...but God.
I have a feeling you are like me. The thought of walking through situations that eclipse our mortal strength is daunting and frankly, unsettling. If like me, God has led you to such a place today, take a deep breath and understand this: He's got us right where He wants us. Totally dependent on Him. You know, we can't do this! But God can, in and through us.
Once again, I am speaking from the crucible of my own experience at this time. I am walking on the water these days. And it's Him keeping me above the waves. Each step I am tempted to think I may sink. Guess what? But God! I am walking, me and my family.
So you are in good company. We all are in over our heads. It's almost laughable isn't it? To think that God calls upon each of us to work in arenas whereby ourselves...we don't belong. But God can carry us through and accomplish His galactic purposes through us!
thank God!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
God's Promise.
Yesterday as Jonathan, my son, and I drove out of a rainstorm I noticed a rainbow in my rear view mirror. It was the most intense rainbow I have ever seen. I stopped and snapped a picture with my cell phone camera (which doesn't remotely do justice to the colossal sight). Jonathan and I were both stunned. As we went on our way, it stayed in sight via the mirror for sometime. What's more fascinating to me is that I have seen at least 3 rainbows recently. Last week, I got caught in the rain while running. As I headed home, there before me was another giant complete rainbow. I was in awe as the last mile was me running straight towards that rainbow...all the way home.
I am now taking these sightings personally. Why? Because life is a raging storm at the moment. Lori's breast cancer diagnosis and the loss of our jobs have created a great tempest. Here's the thing, we have cried out to God for rescue. He's right here with us, keeping us afloat, guiding us along and giving us signs everyday. I believe in Father God with all my heart. I am just bold enough to think that He's calling my attention to these rainbows. They are majestic, glorious things that mark the end of a storm and serve to remind me God is very much a promise keeper.
Evidences of His promises are all around. They come in a loving gesture from a friend, a kind email, an unexpected gift, the prayers of others and the appearance of rainbows. We often call them coincidences and far too often take these happenings as of human origin or natural occurrence. Really? I submit they are God's fingerprints of his promise to care for those who place their trust in Him.
Father God has been pointing out to me that He's not left us uncared for. I am just crazy enough to believe he's been giving me rainbows as signs. How about you, seen any rainbows lately? God is all around us.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Curveball
agree? But here's something I just learned about a curveball. It's a dangerous pitch to throw.
Apparently there is increased topspin on the ball so if a batter hits the ball well, it will gain backspin thus giving it much increased distance. My translation: The pitch is an attempt to "do you in" as a batter. To strike you out! But if you handle it right....home run!
So your life just got thrown a curveball? Strike out? I think not. That which seemingly has been handed to you to throw you off has the potential to propel you farther than imagined. This curveball may well be a blessing in disguise that will, in turn, not only help you but others around you.
The book of Genesis puts it this way, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
I wish I could convey the curveballs that have been thrown at our family these past three months. I confess there were moments that I wanted to give in to fear and doubt and accept the malicious pitch as the end of the road sending me back to the dugout. But here's what I am learning.
Myself and my family have been leaning into God. We are finding strength and proving our faith. These curveballs are pushing us forward in God at an incalculable rate! Shocking! That which I thought was our undoing, I see God working good in the midst of it all. I am grateful and more convinced than ever that God is near those who seek Him.
batter up!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Truest Love
I also want you to know she's the finest woman on the planet with a true heart of gold. I cannot believe God has blessed me with her as a partner.
We've "seen fire and we've seen rain...we've seen sunny days that we thought would never end." We all know those sunny days do end and pesky storms sweep in. Good news! Those pass too. Sometimes those clouds linger, lighting crashes and the thunder rolls. Then. A hush. The storm passes as quickly as it can arrive and the sun breaks open again in the sky above.
May we all weather the storms of life and look to the Son....He's coming.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Dog's Life
It's been estimated that a dog's sense of smell is somewhere between 1,000 to 10,000 times better than humans. I think that's why they love to have their head out the window when riding in the car. Those smells coming into their snoot at 55mph must create quite a rush! Turbo sniffing!!!
Our dog Sam is no exception. He has an absolute passion about riding in the car. I snapped this shot of him this morning as we blasted down the road. I could only admire the thrill he was experiencing. I tried only made my eyes water!
What if we all approached life like Sam does the opportunity to thrust his muzzle into the wind? Eager, passionate and ready to take it all in! I confess, I have missed my share of opportunities to "stop to smell the roses!" Or in Sam's case, hyper smell!
I have heard it said that dogs live in the moment. Yesterday and tomorrow have little relevance. they live in the now, baby! I am learning to do this deeply. Forget the past, don't worry about tomorrow but seize this day. Live it. LIVE. I just know there is a lot more to "smell than meets the eye" in this life. It's all a matter of our choosing. I say we put the windows down and go for all the day has to offer. Rain or shine. Like Sam, with gusto.
"Wake up from your sleep, Climb out of your coffins; Christ will show you the light! So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!" ~Ephesians 5:16, The Message
life's a ruff!
Monday, September 21, 2009
In my humanity, I prefer self-reliance. I want to take care of things myself thank you. You know, the "I can fix it" routine. Bottom's pride!
God is leading our family through a time when we are learning what it means to count on Him each day for our daily bread. No kidding! Honest. I mean we are in a place of complete dependence on Him. Don't get me wrong, I am doing all I can do in this situation. However, my efforts are not sufficient. As I yield to this lesson, people arrive at our door, letters come in the mail, provision materializes at every corner. God is taking care of us. I am stunned.
Guess what else I am learning? God is real. You laugh. Absurd? However, aren't you like me and haven't you asked that question: "Is God real?" Even if we are "believers" I think we all have that thought in times of testing. Intellect demands proof, belief in God demands faith.
God is driving home His word to me in this hour. In particular, Matthew 6:4 which states: "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." ~The Message.
He has my attention and my complete dependence on Him. I am guessing there will come a day when I am "feeling my oats" and the press isn't so great. This I know, I don't want to go back to self-reliance. I feel His nearness to our family, His help amidst our trouble, His power in our weakness. This dependence thing ain't for sissies! You must be brave, courageous and have the guts to trust God for everything. EVERYTHING? Yes, everything....echo echo echo.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Night is Light
When trouble comes, the night really can be disconcerting. However, with God there is no darkness. Psalm 139 goes on to say "the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you."
I am learning to trust God in the night. Why? Because I am learning He is with me always. Though swallowed up by the clouds, He brings comfort and assurance. Cliches? I think not. This is very real to me in an hour of great trial. I speak the truth. God is proving to me that in Him there is no darkness or trouble.
Tonight on a brief walk with my son, I made the statement that we "need a miracle." My 10 year old calmly responded, "What trouble are we in?" I said, "Are you serious?" In my mind I am thinking of all that is before our family, in particular, a battle with a serious health issue that Lori (my dear wife and amazing mother of our children) is facing. It took this old brain a second to realize what he was saying. He reminded me that "God was taking care of us." He was reminding me that the darkness was outstripped by the light of God. Therefore, there is no trouble. I felt this amazing calm. I felt God speaking through this young boy in such a way that I had to pay attention. I am grateful for a child's uncluttered communication with Father God.
In the darkness tonight, I am reminded that God is shining brightly and caring for all that I cannot carry on my own. He cares for you too.
in the light.
Monday, September 14, 2009
A Sheer Gift
"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way." ~James 1:2-4, The Message
When trouble arrives at the doorstep of life...big many of us think of it as a "sheer gift?" Sure, I'll dance a jig while the very fiber of my being is tested. Then again what is faith if it cannot be tested? What good is it to believe in God if it only remains in the realm of theory and conjecture? Is faith sufficient to sustain each of us through life's challenges?
I am learning about the "true colors" of my faith at present. Guess what? God is proving Himself trustworthy. Like I should be surprised!
It's becoming clear that in the midst of the heaviest of life's burdens, an attitude of joy is essential. I mean when the roof caves in, you don't deny reality but you learn to cling to a hope that only God offers. That produces sustainable joy.
What I share with you comes from the present circumstances of my life. This summer, many things came crashing down...a job offer rescinded, leaving us without jobs and most recently a major health challenge in our family with Lori, my wife of 24 years. I can tell you I have tried with everything in me to get out of this trial we did nothing to cause. I want to escape the pain and uncertainty. I want to say, "I believe" and be done with it. However, when I read this verse in James and it cautions to not attempt to end the trial prematurely, I find strength to surrender to it.
It is a sheer gift, for the test is proving faith. Faith in God. Faith that is unmovable. I'll take it.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
In God Alone
If a day could ever be "skipped" in our life, I would choose today. On a sun filled Tuesday in NY, our family received the most unwelcome medical report for my wife. I can't wish it away. I can't skip the day nor can I erase its contents. As I spoke with friends and relatives, it was becoming more and more surreal by the minute.
Now at the close of the day, we read in the Psalms the above verse. When we have nothing of self to rely on, it may well be the the best day of our lives. When all our plans have been foiled and our strength exhausted, what else can we do but find rest in God? God ALONE.
I am in over my head on this one, no answers and a hollow feeling inside. But for God, I know not where I would be. For now the trip to Atlanta is on hold. Now we prepare for a battle that God alone must fight for us.
In His Hands,
Thursday, September 3, 2009
It's 2:29 EST, and sleep is desired but present circumstances compel me to be awake and pray. If you are like me, spiritual eagerness can often be eclipsed by sheer laziness. So this night I deny myself sleep on purpose. I use this blog to keep focused on the mission. Now I offer what may seem a contradiction: I need to sleep peacefully.
In many ways, sleep is surrender. It's yielding to fatigue or giving up worry. On the other hand, we all know what it means to resist sleep or lose sleep because of restless emotions. When the Psalmist David wrote the words above, he was encouraging himself in a time of distress. He was crying out to God to be heard. I wonder if it was 2 AM when he wrote it? I wonder if he was awake in the night pouring his heart out to God, incapable of surrendering His fretting to God? I don't know.
In the end, he concludes that peaceful sleep comes because of God. God, who makes him "dwell safely" (KJV) or as the Message puts it, "puts my life back together."
Like David I am saying, "God, take my side! Once, in a tight place, you gave me room; Now I'm in trouble again: grace me! hear me! ~Psalm 4:1b
I wonder who is reading this? Are you like me, in a "tight spot?" Wanting sleep but full of concern and distress? After we have petitioned God, may we collapse into peaceful sleep. Resting assured, He is capable and willing to put our lives back together.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Run to God!
This Proverb has never been more alive to me then this very moment. It's almost like a blast of spiritual menthol! Opening every clogged aspect of my spirit right up. Why? I am about to move my family across country from NY to Atlanta. No promise of a job. Only the overwhelming sense that we have heard God's voice leading us in this direction.
In these final days in NY, I am seeing my great need to run to God. I literally am placing everything in His hands. My wife, children and very existence. I am so far out on a limb, I can't even see the tree!
These are not the musings of an irresponsible idealist whose head is stuck up in the clouds. I promise, I am well grounded and fighting my ever whirling mind demanding that I follow logic and reason. But this time, my spirit is being obeyed over my intellect.
If I run to God, intently, purposely, resolutely is this not faith? If I run to Him, will not my trajectory take me right to where I need to be? In His will? If I run, will He not keep me on track?
I was told recently that God cannot guide a ship if it's tied to the dock. However, He can adjust the course of the vessel that has set sail.
So we cast our lines off and raise the sail and trust the winds of God to guide us. I'll keep you posted. This is exhilarating. Truly. Adrenalin is pumping but I am trusting.
on the run,
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Cost
This quote is taken from The Message, Luke 14:33 and it really is about as clear cut a requirement as there can be on the cost of following Jesus. However, let's be honest...most of us in the USA don't actually believe Jesus would require our friends, bank accounts, jobs, houses, cars, 401k's, etc., right? C'mon! It's a metaphor or sorts, it has to be. I mean...I can find more popular books on building wealth, having a happy and prosperous life than on embracing material destitution as a follower of Jesus.
I can tell you from a page in my own life that I am being tested to the core on this. Furthermore, in my heart I am praying that He doesn't actually require it all. Look I am being honest here. I can type "the right" words but my humanity is being barbecued at the moment. If he chose to take it all, would I yet praise Him like Job? May I answer, "yes!" However, I am still working through this.
A bright spot in this post? Yes! I watched a movie recently where it was proclaimed that "there are no happy endings." If you hang around this life on earth long enough, it would seem at times this is a correct assumption. However, skip to the end of the story of Job and voilĂ ...a happy ending! Point? It will cost us everything to follow Jesus. It won't always be comfortable here. In the end, there is a fabulous conclusion to the lives of those who follow Jesus.
It has been written that Mother Teresa said, "Riches, both material and spiritual, can choke you if you do not use them fairly. The result is uncontrollable dissatisfaction. Poverty is freedom, so that possessions don’t keep us from sharing or giving of ourselves."
Perhaps as we have our grasp on things pried open and we learn to let go of this life, we will find our anxieties giving way to unimaginable joy as we share what is most important.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Changing the World
- G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy, 1908
This challenges me deeply. I think about what church has become and have to wonder if the vision of church has changed to fit the world? Dare we attempt to change the culture/world? Have we focused on performance and becoming appealing to the world in the name of vision?
Chesterton makes a strong statement that we need to be world changers to see progress. I hear many say that change is hard and not altogether popular. People who are change agents are often despised for disturbing the comfortable.
Our world is changing, yes. With those changes, may we be committed to alter the course when culture is headed in the wrong direction. May we resist the urge to change our vision in the name of relevance.
I think this whole following Jesus stuff is difficult. It costs a lot and accommodates little. Yet it's rather simple. So simple that anyone can do it.
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
This is what I am wrestling with most these days. I WANT to be happy. That's it, right? It's all about what "I" want. I ask myself, "What does it cost to be holy?" If you believe, Chambers, holiness may come at the expense of our happiness. I don't like this!
Simply being honest. I believe God can handle this. Don't you? I believe God won't dispose of us for being honest. He knows our thoughts anyhow.
He knows that I do want to follow Him and be holy. He knows that my humanity isn't going down without a fight.
Perhaps we all have to learn how deeply He loves us. Even in times of hardship when holiness is being worked in us. There's an old hymn:
"Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still."
Here's to Him having HIS WAY in all of us.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
True Friends
"For the purpose of this discussion, I’m defining a friend as someone who is with you. They’re with you in times of success, and much more profoundly, in times of defeat. They know the real you, and they like you anyway.
You can’t really run them off. And when you show them a weakness, it only causes them to respect and support you more. It’s a connection that defies logic and enables immense security." ~Steven Furtik
I read this and was struck by it's truth. How much energy is spent in our lives hiding? Hiding because we fear if anyone knew the real us, they would bolt! It is clear to me that people can't handle too much of who we really are. Hence, we guard ourselves vigilantly. However, with friends we can simply BE. They accept us, love us and want to hear it all. THANK GOD for TRUE FRIENDS.
May I be a true friend to others. I am GRATEFUL for my true friends. You know who you are. Perhaps we should spend less time trying to impress others and more time befriending. Less time attempting to be what we are not and accept who we are. In the end, those who surround the real us will be real friends. But what do I know?
your friend,