Monday, February 22, 2010


It seemed to good to be true! A childhood dream came true back in 1989 as I met my guitar hero, Phil Keaggy. I spent an entire weekend hosting him and it even included the chance to play a little guitar together. I have this old photo to commemorate the occasion and it still makes me smile when I recall that time all those years ago.

Now well into my forties, I wonder if I dare hold on to any of my dreams or is it time to let go? Hmm...

My big adult brain says it may be time to "pack it in" and deal with reality but my little boy heart says, "go for it!" You just never know what God may do to grant the quiet desires of the heart. I am not saying He will but I am saying "leave that for Him to decide."

Honestly, what does it cost us to dream? My guess is we all have burned up more brain cells using our cell phones than we ever have dreaming. So I say, "keep dreaming, keeping dreaming till the day it is over here on earth!"

This is a great Psalm. Think about it. The Psalm I mean. Please read it and let it soak in.

Psalm 126 (The Message)

A Pilgrim Song
1-3 It seemed like a dream, too good to be true, when God returned Zion's exiles.
We laughed, we sang,
we couldn't believe our good fortune.
We were the talk of the nations—
"God was wonderful to them!"
God was wonderful to us;
we are one happy people.

4-6 And now, God, do it again—
bring rains to our drought-stricken lives
So those who planted their crops in despair
will shout hurrahs at the harvest,
So those who went off with heavy hearts
will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.

God bless you with dreams.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Power of Words

I know that "actions speak louder than words." However, words have inherent power. I marvel at their strength. Words have moved me to laughter, tears and deep thought. Words are indeed life (or death).

To this day there are some words that have been spoken to me that still can carry a sting when I recall them. Conversely, there are moments when another human being has offered such kindness through what they said that in the remembering of what was spoken, I am heartened all over again. It makes me wonder if once we speak a word it somehow becomes eternal.

I truthfully know a good many things I have said that I would give anything to recover and keep forever from departing my lips. It is a painful realization to know I have uttered something to a fellow brother or sister that may have been lethal. For this, I ask the forgiveness of Christ Jesus and I am grateful for having a Savior who forgives my sins.

Proverbs 18:21 (The Message) says, "Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose."

I want to share a web site with you that contains some gentle words of life. Words that are medicine...they are the very thoughts of my dearest friend and my wife, Lori.

Just a few short months ago, Lori was diagnosed with breast cancer. We set up a CaringBridge web site to help friends and family stay up-to-date with her journey. Initially it was to convey medical updates; however, it has quickly become a source of life for many who read her thoughts.

Cancer is not thought of as a life giver but a "taker." Well in Lori's case, it unearthed an eruption of life in the form of written words. Still waters truly run deep and Lori has a voice and insight into many things. I am grateful for her and want with with all my heart for us to have many more years together. Her words have become more important than I could have ever imagined. I wish to share them with you.

You can visit her CaringBridge site here: for a taste of something good.
