Monday, January 18, 2010

celebrity intolerant

I am sorry but allow me to rant just this once. Why do we give such voice to celebrities in America? Talent is not equal to character. Yet we see time and time again the celebration of celebrity and the platform given to “them.” We then gasp in shock when the celebrity implodes under the weight of his or her own bloated fame!

Tiger Woods is a great golfer. Not such a great husband. I know GREAT husbands. They just don’t garner the big endorsement deals. My friend Jim is a great man but you won’t see a line of clothing with his name on it. I am sorry Tiger that we made you such a “god.” Emphasis on the little “g.”

I know that God honors the humble and the truly wise and prudent. The highest award given a man is to hear the God of the universe say, “Well done.” Maybe we have lost our bearings? Perhaps.

We are indeed a broken culture. But I suppose this soapbox will make little to no difference in the world of the famous. I just had to let you know that my celebrity intolerance is worsening with age. I just can’t choke down one more awards show…it gives me a rash. A fast may be in order to restore my system's balance. Oh…and I may have to abstain from Christian celebrities too. Did I say that out loud?

Here’s to all you great men and women out there that this world will never celebrate with riches and accolades. I want you to know that you are noticed and appreciated. God sees your good works and truly a reward awaits you in heaven. And to all you pastors who will never have your own TV show…may your words carry the weight of one having the moral authority to speak. God’s speed to you.

I salute you non-celebrities!

there…I feel better.


  1. Wow, John. All I can say is a rousing 'AMEN!' We have indeed allowed the worship of a certain kind of lifestyle take over our culture, and it has permeated the church in such a way that I can't stand another 'bless me' sermon. Anyway: I just read that Lori had breast cancer and surgery in November and I am shocked by the news. My heart feels pain for you and Lori and your family. How you are reacting to this pain and suffering will be the true story that many will 'read' by just watching your lives as you deal with this. I am praying with you for God to break through this painful experience and reach your hearts with his holy love. It's not about healing, per se, and it's not about prosperity or success by our culture's definition. The true question is: Does the Father have my heart? I am amazed at God's timing in connecting us back after 25+ years of silence, yet He knows why. He is able. He is your strength, your source and your sacred lover, I feel like we never stopped talking after Bible College and am excited about what He will do through this pain and seeming trajedy to bring glory to His name. You can e-mail me at I feel such love for you and Lori at this critical time, please stay in touch, my friend.
    Kirk Severs

  2. Well done - smiling as I read your words. It's almost like hearing them spoken out loud.
