Thursday, January 7, 2010


I’ll go out on a limb and say we have all cheated in our lives at some point. Some of us may be cheating right now!

What do I mean? Well, not necessarily what one thinks in the classic sense when one hears the word “cheat.” I mean in a broader context. Let me explain…

Life requires much from us. The responsibilities abound and to shrink back from any one of them is, in principle, cheating.

It is a fact to live well in this body we must eat well. Yet many of us choose to cheat because it is easier to eat conveniently. I have read estimates that the average American consumes about 100 - 120 lbs of sugar annually. Yikes! Reports are that Childhood Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes are at an all time high. And while we search for cures, it’s no mystery why in some cases disease is rampant.

And yes I am going to quote Jack LaLanne again! I heard him say in an interview, “Dying is easy. Living is a pain in the backside you have to earn it!” In other words, “you can’t cheat in life to be healthy.”

I see a great correlation to all this in the spiritual journey. No we cannot earn our way into the heart of God nor can we reach salvation by working for it. His love is a gift and salvation is His mercy and grace. But, we do have responsibilities to live for Him with ALL THAT IS WITHIN US. Living is painful in that it is work. Maintaining love and relationships REQUIRES effort…no…demands effort.

With my best friend in this world, Lori (my wife) having had to deal with breast cancer this year, I have had this wake up call, I DON’T WON’T TO CHEAT ANYMORE. I don’t want to just grab a “handful of life’s cookies,” I want more because I know cheating has a cumulative affect. I want EVERYDAY to count with her and my children. I want to invest in the ingredients of preparing a healthy existence on this earth both spiritually and physically. That is plain old hard work, unrelenting, backbreaking, sweat producing, intentional and no cutting corners living. I know it is worth it! I MUST HAVE IT.

New year. New opportunities.

join me,
