Thursday, October 8, 2009

But God.

Moses said to the LORD, "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." Exodus 4:10 (NIV)

I know there is great importance placed on credentials and qualifications in our society. Preparation, study, testing, practice, and experience all go into qualifying us for specific tasks in our world. We rarely get jobs, if ever, that we lack the background and necessary pedigree required to perform the tasks of the position.

But God. I believe He always asks us to serve in areas we just don't have the goods for. Like Moses. "Hey Moses, I want you to be my spokesperson." says God. Moses', response, "I am lousy at public speaking." "No, worries, I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." replies God.

God is leading me on a journey that I am not capable of undertaking on my own. I am weak and feeble in many respects. I lack the talent and eloquence. Like Moses, I want to protest and advise God that I am not His man for the job. But like with Moses, God's not accepting "no" for an answer.

I personally believe God delights in leading us in over our heads. To places where we look around and say, "What in the world am I doing here?" He loves to confound the wisdom of the day by working through the unlikeliest of candidates. I hope you aren't misinterpreting me. I do believe God honors hard work and preparation. It's just I believe to accomplish things for God is a superhuman matter. We just will never get it done...but God.

I have a feeling you are like me. The thought of walking through situations that eclipse our mortal strength is daunting and frankly, unsettling. If like me, God has led you to such a place today, take a deep breath and understand this: He's got us right where He wants us. Totally dependent on Him. You know, we can't do this! But God can, in and through us.

Once again, I am speaking from the crucible of my own experience at this time. I am walking on the water these days. And it's Him keeping me above the waves. Each step I am tempted to think I may sink. Guess what? But God! I am walking, me and my family.

So you are in good company. We all are in over our heads. It's almost laughable isn't it? To think that God calls upon each of us to work in arenas whereby ourselves...we don't belong. But God can carry us through and accomplish His galactic purposes through us!

thank God!

1 comment:

  1. Glad He's got me in over my head - with YOU!

    I love you, Lori
